Just last evening I watched The Force Awakens on BD and today we got news that Carrie Fisher has passed away at 60. Rest in Peace, Carrie.
The Stream
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RT @Slash: Can't get over all the flying top hats. & sea of cell phone lights for Starlight last night at Ludz, Poland show. Fucking awesom…
RT @Slash: Brilliant crowd in Ludz! No matter where we play in Poland it's always amazing. Thanks for a great evening! Dziękuję! iiii]; )'
The Thrill Is Gone... B.B. King (1925 – 2015)
RT @Slash: Krakow, Poland was incredible tonight. & that's an understatement. Thanks so much for an unforgettable evening. RnFnR! iiii]; )'
Celebrating 10 Years of Firefox https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/11/10/c... #firefox
Secure Messaging Scorecard https://www.eff.org/secure-messaging-score...
OpenStreetMap rules! Added Leaflet & Mapbox support to my photo gallery :)
TrueCrypt.org got hacked?
GNU Anubis 4.2 is out!
Here is the official annoucement, and following is the list of user-visible changes in this release:
- New operation mode: proxy
- New elif statement.
- New CONTROL statement esmtp-auth-delayed.
- New SMTP section.
#Firefox29 yay! But seriously: Classic Theme Restorer https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/a...
Kurt Cobain... Hard to believe it's been 20 years... and another 10 years since my previous post!
"I Am A Ukrainian, This Needs To Go Viral": http://thoughtcatalog.com/danielle-ryan/20... #Ukraine #Kiev #ukraineprotests
Today marks 10 years that I have been working as a professional software engineer. #anniversary #work
John Carmack leaves id Software... http://games.slashdot.org/story/13/11/22/2... #unexpected #shocked
Just got the new #Rocksmith2014 :D So I'll be definitely busy for the next few months!
Bought today The Last of Us :P But mostly waiting for Rocksmith 2014 Edition :)
"Yes We Scan" #gov
RT @Cmdr_Hadfield: Safely home - back on Earth, happily readapting to the heavy pull of gravity. Wonderful to smell and feel Spring.
Springtime! http://twitter.com/wojciechpolak/status/31...
Why Bradley Manning is an American hero http://www.salon.com/2011/07/07/bradley_ma... via @Salon
Recommended Read: Escape from Camp 14 ... http://t.co/SF8wvR97
RT @Slash: Btw, I want 2 thank the fans n Poland who made that insane banner that covered the whole front row. That thing was huge! dzię ...
RT @Slash: It's an honor to headline an arena. But it's quite a humbling experience when u sell it out; thank u Katowice, u fucking rock ...
One Free Korea: http://freekorea.us #NorthKorea