Part IV

H.L. Tam's Hong Kong Life Photo Gallery, Thierry's Hong Kong Atmosphere Photo Gallery, Michel Girardet's Hong-Kong 2004 Photo Gallery, David Dong's Yangtze Cruise 2003 Photo Gallery, Jonathan Wong's That's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, Codino A.C. Divino's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, River Ko's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, Norman Tam's Wong Tai Sin Temple Photo Gallery, Chuyh's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, Peter Kwok's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, William's Shanghai & Hangzhou Photo Gallery, Chuyh's Yang Shuo Photo Gallery.

Translating Natural Language to Code

Natural language is so semantically rich and flexible that if it could be computationalized as a programming language, maybe everyone could write programs, says Hugo Liu, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Read more...

Part III

David Dong's Best of China 2003, Henry Ho's China's Impression Photo Gallery, Jennifer Zhou's China on the Move Photo Gallery, Bernard Tse' Cityscape of Hong Kong Photo Gallery, andesheng's China Photo Gallery, Tim Chong's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, China Art's Photo Galleries, Jonathan Chen's Yunnan Photo Gallery, Martin Sidgreaves's Guangzhou Photo Gallery, Chen Qinghui's Fujian Photo Gallery, Frank Loehner's Photo Galleries, Chor Ki Cheng's Photo Galleries.

Part II

Filip Dabrowski's China 2004 Photo Gallery, Filip Dabrowski's Shanghai Photo Gallery, David Warren's China and Tibet Photo Gallery, Doug Janson's China Galleries, alvin's Hong Kong the City of Life Photo Gallery, Eddie Ling's Hong Kong Scenic Photo Gallery, micros' Hong Kong Photo Gallery, Roland's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, Owen Wong's Hong Kong Photo Gallery, H.L. Tam's Hong Kong Sketchbook Photo Gallery, Henry Ho's Red China Photo Gallery, Murtaza Amiji's Hong Kong Photo Gallery.

Happy GNU Year!


I just finished reading Paul Graham's book "Hackers & Painters". It was a very interesting read, worth my time. I especially enjoyed chapters "The Other Road Ahead", "How to Make Wealth", "Beating the Averages", and "Revenge of the Nerds". The last two have increased my will to master more Lisp/Scheme. I highly recommend this book.

So, I have switched my home system to Fedora Core 3. The migration took about one week and partly still continues as there are so many things to configure. I like the combination of the Linux kernel 2.6, udev, HAL, D-BUS, and GNOME 2.8. Now, when I plug my camera into the USB port, the system just asks me if I want to import the photos. This is so obvious, but still very cool :).