The battle has been won, but not the war.
Keep that in mind. Anyway, this is a very good news today.
Wow, Bob, It Was Huge!
I think, Live 8
is now concerned as the greatest show on Earth ever. 10 concerts,
150 artists, a million spectators, 2 billion viewers, and 1 message:
To get those 8 men, in that 1 room, to stop 30,000 children dying every
single day of extreme poverty. Now let's wait for the Final Push! Read
What to do
(even if you can't make it to Edinburgh in person). Visit
Pink Floyd's Reunion
Yesterday was a unique day :). Not only because of Live 8,
but also because it was the day of Pink Floyd's reunion. It was their
first concert together in over 24 years. They played Breathe,
Money, Wish You Were Here, and Comfortably Numb.
It was great! Unfortunately, I couldn't be there in person to see this
amazing event, but I watched it on TV, and even took some photos! Check
out my special gallery.
New stuff: Personalized Search,
Video Search,
and Google Earth.
Unfortunately, the last two are currently only available for MSucks Windows
(in other words: useless to me). Moreover,
Google Maps has hugely expanded the areas of the world that it covers
with satellite imagery.
There is a theory, called
Six degrees of separation, that anyone on the planet
can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain
of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. Based on
this theory, there is a party game,
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, which requires a group of
players to connect any film actor to Kevin Bacon in as few links
as possible. I have noticed that a more general Six Degrees of
..., has recently become very popular at the
Internet Movie Database. I once
participated in this game. Finally, check out the
Totally awesome!
Well, look at this:
JS/UIX, a UNIX-like OS for web-browsers, written entirely in JavaScript.
My jaw has hit the floor. Incredible!
I recently discovered The Friend of a Friend
(FOAF) project, which is based
on the idea of creating a machine-readable social networks. Thus, using
FOAF RDF, one can describe oneself, things one does, creates, people
one knows, etc. I like this idea, so I have decided to create my own FOAF
file and make it publicly available.
If you are interested in web programming, take a look at my wild mix of
XSLT, XML Schema,
CSS, and the
result! Just notice the
client-side, interactive column sorting through XSLT and my quite portable
processXML.js. Drop me a line if you find
it useful.
PlayStation 3 Unveiled!
I must admit that its hardware specification and demos are mind-blowing.
Lisp files handling and filter have been
into the mainline.
The Free Software Foundation has moved
to a new office and they released the third revision of the GPL
version 2. Their new postal address is:
Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1301
A new and useful feature, the Search History.
Translating Natural Language to Code
Natural language is so semantically rich and flexible that if it could be
computationalized as a programming language, maybe everyone could write programs,
says Hugo Liu, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Google goes X, huh, another cool JS hack.
Update, 17 Mar 2005: Uhm, and it's gone, but I was lucky to see it :P. Read more...
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