Last week I accidentally heard a song from Amy Macdonald's "This is the Life" and the next day I decided to buy the album blindly. And I am happy about that. I found a nice music and voice. Tracklisting:

 1. Mr. Rock and Roll
 2. This Is the Life
 3. Poison Prince
 4. Youth of Today
 5. Run
 6. Let's Start a Band
 7. Barrowland Ballroom
 8. L.A.
 9. A Wish for Something More
10. Footballer's Wife

Star Wars Asciimation

Check out this excellent website: or just telnet to watch A New Hope online :-)

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The Javascript Trap by Richard M. Stallman

In the free software community, the idea that non-free programs mistreat their users is familiar. Some of us refuse entirely to install proprietary software, and many others consider non-freedom a strike against the program. Many users are aware that this issue applies to the plug-ins that browsers offer to install, since they can be free or non-free.

But browsers run other non-free programs which they don't ask you about or even tell you about—programs that web pages contain or link to. These programs are most often written in Javascript, though other languages are also used.

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