Chessboxing is a hybrid sport which combines boxing with chess in alternating rounds. The sport began when Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh, inspired by fictional depictions by French comic book artist and filmmaker Enki Bilal, organized actual bouts. Chess boxing is now growing in popularity. Participants must be both skilled boxers and chess players, as a match may be won either way...

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In regard to my previous post. I spend many hours in front of a computer every day. In fact, I know precisely that I spent 2268 hours in 2003 (I know this thanks to my LCD monitor counter back then). So it was an average 6 hours per day. But since 2004, due to my full-time programming job, that time has increased even more. The computers are now my everyday tool, so I don't limit myself only to the programming activities, but I also do Web surfing, instant communication and watching movies and TV shows regularly. It's now quite common to spend even more than 12 hours a day.

So, let me assume that my average time in front of a computer was 9 hours per day in the last 15 years. This means that I spent a total of 49275 hours, which gives the continuous 5.6 years so far...