
View from my apartment.

A reflection upon...

It's almost a rule that every music band releases an album of singles, often calling it "The best of ...", etc. This !@#$#*. First of all, because it is (I believe) only about money. Second of all, if you're a fan of any group, then you usually have all the albums and you don't need the stuff like this. It's even more annoying when, as an addition, the singles collection contains a bonus material, like one or two new songs never released before. Sigh.

This time it is Placebo. The band announced that on 25 October they will release a collection of their singles-to-date, entitled Once More With Feeling: Singles 1996-2004. I have all their four albums (each absolutely great) and normally I wouldn't do that, but this time I'm going to make an exception and buy it (but of course only if I will like the two new songs).

Anyway, I don't like the idea of releasing the singles collection when a band or artist is still active.